Did you know that one third of the Gospel message is focused on Jesus’ trial, death and resurrection? In these key moments, Christians understand the demands and promises of the Christian life. These days tell the story of an event that changed the world.
You are invited to journey through the days of Holy Week at Galilee Lutheran Church this year. We will accompany one another to that upper room on the night before Jesus’ death. Pray at the foot of the cross. Shout the great Alleluia!
in celebration on Easter Day.
These days transformed the world.
Let them transform you.
Palm Sunday: April 13, 10 AM
Maundy Thursday: April 17, 7 PM
Good Friday: April 18, 7 PM
Easter Sunday: April 20, 10 AM
(and 6:30 AM Sunrise Service near Buckingham Clubhouse)
Click here for the Zoom link for indoor services.